The difference between a snap shot and artistic photography is like the meaning behind taking the photo. A snap shot is taken quickly and in order to get a picture of the image in a quick amount of time. Artistic photography wants to get the beauty and take their time to get a well developed and visually pleasing photo, editing the photo and making its overall appearance.
Split loop Rembrant butterfly Broad Short 1. My best picture is the the broad lighting photo, the editing came out nice and its a nice photo of a classmate. 2. Weakest shot in the project is loop lighting, i struggled with getting the angle right for the photo. 3. I could have taken mine time while taking the photo to perfect it do i got the right set up to it. 4. I used photo shop and edited the hue and saturation, as well as brightness and darkness. 5. The angles of shots does change how a photo comes out in this project and i was able to see that difference and change my position to achieve better photos. 6. Taking the photos was easiest part of this assignment since as class mates we all helped one another. 7. Understanding the difference of each lighting position and achieving it was very difficult. 8. Id try hard to understand each lighting position better so my photos would turn out more accurate. 9. Id rate my effort at a 7 for th...
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